
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Early to Bed, Early to Rise

Here I am and it's 5 am, and I'm wide awake...

This is probably due to the fact that I went to bed at 7:30 pm last night. I didn't even make it an hour from the time I got home from work until I knocked out, and  yes it was a Friday night.

When did I become that person?

Anyways, now that i'm awake and I can't fall back asleep I thought I might update the blog.

As a follow up to my last blog post, I still miss Italy. There isn't a day (or a night) that I don't think and dream about it. I can vividly remember my dream about Italy from last night and maybe it's the dream that's spurring my nostalgia this morning. Although I could spend every post I ever write talking about my 5 months in Italy, I thought I might spice it up a bit and recap on what's currently going on in my life.

Last semester ended well, finals week wasn't nearly as stressful or scary as I remembered it to be (probably because I didn't overload on classes like usual) and finally in my fourth year of college I semi feel like i'm getting the hang of it. I realize that i'm much happier when I don't overload, actually have the time to understand the material, and still have a little bit of time to do some *healthy* procrastination.

Christmas break this year was interesting, for some reason it didn't ever feel like the holidays for me. I spent the short holiday break from school catching up with friends, and then spent the week of Christmas at the cabin in Hanna with the fam.

 Santa came this year, and brought Clinton and I snowshoes! My new years resolution this year was to go snowshoeing at least once a week this winter. So far i'm 4/4 and hopefully 5/5 after today or tomorrow. Although the snow storms have been few this winter i'm hoping for a snow storm soon!

School has started up again and i'm finishing up my final chemistry class that I will have to take for undergrad. I technically only have 4 more classes and I am finished with all of my prerequisites. Pharmacy school has always seemed so far away and just this last week it has hit me that I can apply next fall... More than ever before I feel life coming at me fast. I'm still not 100% sure what i'm going to do as far as schooling, there are a lot of variables. What schools i'll apply to, what schools i'll be accepted to, will I finish my major, will I defer if I get accepted, and the list goes on and on. And right now all I want to do is keeping being young. The idea of becoming a responsible adult is scary. 

Until next time, i'm going to get out of bed and head to the gym. There are tentative plans to run a half marathon with a friend this spring.... 

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